By: Sonya Khanna
I would like to take some time today to talk about a clean power company. As we know, solar panels can be an expensive route to take in order to simply get some power. Well this company leases the solar panels, to you, to make your power even cheaper than you are now paying for regular coal power.
They team up to install solar panels on your roof. The solar panels are free to install, the maintenance is free, and all you are paying for is the power. Not only are you getting all your power from the sun, which is cleaner than coal, you are paying less per kilowatt of power used.
- Solar energy is clean and great for the environment!
- Since solar panels are free energy, your price is cheaper than what you would be paying for your coal power.
- Installation and maintenance is free
- Your home must get a certain amount of sun hours
- You must own the house and be of 21 years of age
- You must use a certain amount of power each month
- You must have a clean background (with a fixed income budget)
This is a wonderfully set up company, interested in helping to keep Charleston, and locations nation-wide, green! I had the pleasure of speaking with two young ladies that were eager to spread awareness of just how green the company is.
If you are interested in helping our planet, saving a little money, and making a huge difference, overall, take a look at their website/facebook. For more detailed information or questions feel free to call Erin or Ashley.
Erin Klinges: 610-574-4654/843-732-8411
Ashley Seibert: 843-729-4871